
Power of Focus.

Last seven days
was my best week yet in 2009.

I believe it was one
thing that made that happen.

It was
it was Positive Focus.

For too long,
I wasted too much time and energy
focusing on the negative.
The more attention I gave to those matters,
the worst they become.

I was focusing so much
on what I couldn't control -
such as
how things turn out,
what somebody said or did.

When we're too busy getting distracted
by what we cannot change,
we become ridiculous.

We focus on the bad.
Whatever we focus becomes stronger.
And the bad becomes worse.
The worse become worst to
the point it is completely wrecked up and destroyed.


I decided to take ownership of my life and
focus on what I want,
instead of what I didn't want.

What I want my week to be?

What do I want to achieve?

Who do I want to love and care for?

Whose needs do I want to meet?

I realised we can actually meet our
teachers' needs - in the classroom.

If you've spoken to a class of bored kids,
you'd know it's great pressure.

Your teacher needs to know somebody is listening to him.
You can meet that need
by setting your eyes on him,
nod [when necessary]
and smile [if possible].

Try it.
You'll not only make your teacher
very pleased,
you find yourself actually liking school
'cos finally, you can understand the lesson!

What kind of person do I want to be?

There were two weeks,
I challenged myself to be a
Giver to strangers.

So I wrote about giving.
Practised giving to different people everyday.

At start of the day,
as I walk to the MRT station,
I whisper to myself,
'Valerie, you're a Giver.
You're going to be a value-adder to people around you.'

At bedtime,
I record how I was a giver that day.
I thank my Daddy for it
and reach out to receive more love I need
so I can give away more next day.

When the week is up,
I re-focus again next week.

Before I know it,
it becomes not only a lifestyle,
but an enlarged heart
and a set of kinder eyes.

Most of all,
it's sweetest to know,
I'm growing to become more like my

What do you want?


Whatever you focus
will be stronger.


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