
A Burden That Fuels.

When a person is
Wholeheartedly Passionate
about something,

fear becomes nothing.

Pressure cannot push him away.
He will stand
and press against it.

There is a kind of burden,
that does not distress us

Fuels us.

When you are knocked over,
it makes you
stand up.

When you experience resistance,
it empowers you
to overcome.

This burden is not from
the system of this world -
because the destiny of everything temporary
is death.

I'm earning my degree soon.
I want to do well.
I dream to climb the corporate ladder.
I fantasise about driving that white Jeep Defender.
I visualise my huge salary cheques
and luxurious vacations.

But if this is
what I'm living for,
my world is too small.
'Cos afterall,
I can do all these in an Eternity.

Since I have only one life to live,
let my Passion be worth
more than temporary things.

[to be continued]


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