
Give & Take.

[edited as of 11:20p.m.]

A Valerictorian reader wrote me a question:

'...have read your views about giving..
you can give all day and
ask for no return..

but what if one day u grow sick of giving?
Will u become selfish?'

You cannot give
what you don't receive.

You can only give
what you have.

When your love tank is drying up,
giving becomes
distressing and ultimately,
emotionally sickening.

But where do we get love?


We may be in the midst of
many persons everyday.
But only a few are willing to give love.

Ironic but true,
we may not be willing to receive.

Giving love could be so rare today
that the givers may be deemed as

This teenage girl spat,
'You're so evil.',
when I asked her if she's interested to lunch out someday.

I asked her why she thought so.
she expressed that I must have had
an ulterior motive.

If I had any,
it was to love and befriend a 14 year old
who I knew has no dad.
She cooks all meals for her two brothers.

I'm not a social worker nor
am I paid to have lunch with people.
$10/lunch appointment with kids.
There are more lucrative career options.

Did you get this cold response
when you tried to give?

'Reaping' an unpleasant reciprocation as this,
it is only human to
and swear never to give.

Forget about being a Giver.
Neither give nor take.
It's safest to be sitting on the wall,
is it not?

when we're not Givers,
we're Takers
by default.

When we don't add,
we subtract
by default.

Visualize this:

The Giver -

A plump, succulent peach.


it's marvellously sweet.
So refreshing.

We desire more of it.

The Taker -

A puny, shriveled up sour prune.



Heart-wrenchingly terrible.

Which are you?


Sour prune?
You haven't been receiving.

Find good people in your life.

Cherish them.
Learn how to humble yourself
and receive from them.

Cut down on computer time.
Really, the Internet doesn't give a hoot
about your problems.
It cannot heal your hurts.
It cannot meet your needs.

Only People can,
the right people that is.

[to be continued]


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