
Best Week.

Hello Sunday.

Past week has been
unexpectedly eventful.

In fact,
by far,
this is the best week for me
in 2009.

There are a few reasons what made it so.
I'll write about them Monday.



A person I met for the second time
shared with me a secret he was struggling with
past seven years.

This phonecall convicted me
that our painful experiences never go to waste.
There is always one more person
your story can assure he is not alone.

And ultimately,
bring hope and faith to help
him pull through another day.

But we can only enjoy this truth
when we choose to give what we can give
even in the midst of having our own needs and hurts.


Got to read the late 27 year old
Dr. Allan Ooi
originial suicide letter.

I saw the answer to why
people who appear perfect and
seem to not lack anything in life
would disconnect from the dearest people in his life
and commit suicide.

[I will share more this sometime coming week]

At night,
I watched one of the most memorable DVDs.
It was a talk by Paul Scanlon.
I was reminded that
the more we give,
the more we actually grow.

As you give,
you discover what you really have.

When you're in Giving-mode,
you're happy,
and you don't feel like you're sacrificing at all.

And through that,
what you do powerfully benefits others.

[I will share more coming week]


My Strategic Management lecturer
walked into class.
I want to go CHC with you this Saturday.''

Stunned but managed to swallow a gulp and blurt,
'No problem!
I will get the best seat for you.'

My elation was extended
with an impromptu coffee break with
all time darlings Clarice and Lizzie

followed by a fruitful afternoon with
Practised what I learned Tuesday night
and reaped a fulfilling evening with her.

Cold Storage grocery-window-shopped
and left her with Japanese chocolates.

Took the train home,
occassionally recalling the day and grinning to myself.


Spent the entire day in a
heart-stirring conference.
I will never forget the story of that
little ghetto boy and the Puerto Rican woman.


A phenomenal day.

When one person is focused,
he can achieve great things.

But when bunch of such persons come together,
focus with one mind,
and do something with one heart,
miracle explodes.

There is power in unity.

I'm so proud of you -
Andrian, Dhanu, Jacob, Jazreel, Kelly, Lina, Mun Jun, Patrick, Ryan, Sowjy and Wei Lun!
[in alphabetical order]


The beauty of Monday-Friday
maximised and unfolded before me.


Remember the person who spoke to me on Monday?
I met him again sometime during the week.
He told me how he unexpectedly
helped a friend who was down.
He sheepishly looked up and smiled and said to me,
'I didn't know it could turn out like this.'

Yes -
even when we are going through problems.

In bad and good times,
Giving Always Grows Us.

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