
Calling You.

What's your calling?

That's a grand question I used
to get excited about
because I didn't know the answer
and was desperate to find it out.

I searched for it everywhere.

I paid attention to what people
said about me,
who they thought I was,
and who they believed I could be.

I bought a library of self-help books
and did all the questionnaires in them.

I sought, watched
other people, seemingly sure of theirs and
waited for my turn
until I got tired and frustrated.

What is my calling?
When will I know it?
Who will tell me?

And then I realise
I've been waiting for the
spectacular to fall from heaven

when, actually,
it's already been placed around my daily life -
in the littles things
that I tend to despise.

I found that
what I love doing,
what excites me,
what makes me angry about,
are my passions.

And where there is a need
which matches my passion -

there I find my calling.

When I choose to respond,
pick up that call,
priceless joy it brings.
It is divine,
an experience money cannot buy.

You got to find yours
to understand what I mean.

Look around,
a need is calling for your attention


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