
Go Out.

You'll never find a world
that lives outside of the climate of war.

And in every crisis,
there're two groups of people -

the group that flees to save themselves

and the group that
fights to save others.

In this economic meltdown,
we can now realise
that it is not the High Achievers,
but Leaders
that are true value adders to our world.

High achievers are everywhere.
The talented, educated and even the disciplined.

it's easy to find people who work hard
to feed their families and
fatten their bank accounts.

But Leaders are different.

They own bigger hearts.
Their motives are selfless.

They are servants who lead,
not leaders who serve.

Their worldview is beyond their
own homes and interests.

Leaders are few
because few are found faithful
in putting themselves aside,

to serve others,

to fight for another person's destiny
instead of their own,

to meet others' needs
while they have their own.

We don't need supporters.

We need fighters
who are willing to go out there

to serve and add value
to the bigger picture.


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