
Given Two People.

We can choose who to marry.

Who to befriend.

We can even choose to believe in God or not.

But not who our parents are.

No matter what harm or good
they've done to us,
we are always their children

and they,
always our father and mother.

We can never erase that fact.

And we would never deny -
we're made to need love from both.

For some,
we could loathe them.
But we know beneathe the loathe
is a burning desire to be loved by both.

For others,
take time to realise
how much they've sacrificed for you.
They could have abandoned you,
but they chose to stay and be committed to raise you.

Appreciate and honour them.

Be grateful,
for you do not know
when would be the last time you see them.


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