
Carpe Diem.

Carpe Diem
[click to listen the correct pronunciation]
is a Latin word that literally means
'pluck the day'.

As I observed yesterday,
some of us space out too much.
We waste too much time in never never land
and overlook countless surrounding golden opportunities.

We either dream too much about tomorrow
or dwell too long in yesterday.

Today is most important
because you can create and change
almost anything at all -
if you seize it.

Value each moment.

How much is your time worth?

Spend it wisely.

To realize the value of One year,
ask a student who failed his final year exams.

To realize the value of One month,
ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of One week,
ask the editor of the weekly Time magazine.

To realize the value of One day,
ask a daily wage labourer who has six kids to feed.

To realize the value of One hour,
ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of One minute,
ask a person who missed their train.

To realize the value of One second,
ask the person who survived an accident.

To realize the value of One millisecond,
ask the person who won a silver medail in the Olympics.


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