
Every World.

Good Thursday.

Allow me to sneak a day out of the
chain of food for thought posts
and share with you a slice of my life's recent happenings.

I've been spending most of my time
researching, reading, writing, watching videos and listening to podcasts
current affairs, creativity, wisdom, fashion and,
thinking about India.

This photograph's taken on Graduation Day
at St. Anthony's Canossian.
The dress code was white and the
fantasia in more for all things India
invested in a custom made sari for that fateful night.
I'm the kid in the picture on your extreme left.

I have an unusual passion for Indians
and just as I'm writing this,
I realise it could be due to the warm friendship grandma and I
shared with our Indian neighbours back at Depot Road.
Grandma made friends with Malays, Indians and even Americans.
She was a multi-racial advocate
and I guess that's why my closest play companions in school
were Indians, Malays, Eurasians and Chinese.

My dream holiday destination is India
and Sowjanya and Dhanusha shall be such fun companions
and translators!

Considering the scorching weather there,
I can't help but wonder if I'd be tempted to splurge on
countless bottles of sunscreen during the trip.
Ugh, Val, you don't have to be Snow White.

Before I head back to work,
can I tell you something hilarious.

Few nights ago,
I dreamt that I was a girlfriend to
this Indian dude I never met in my life.
We went on roller coaster after roller coaster
and I literally experienced the adrenaline rush during the rides -
it felt surreal!

I must have raved too much about Slumdog M. against
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button past few days.

You have a happy pre-weekend.



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