
Gain & Lose.

What if you see a
Closed Door,

when you arrive at
the last page of your lifetime?

You look back.

Your lifetime.
A chapter a year.
Say, 90 chapters before,

You lived life to the fullest.

You knew much.
You knew many.
You had influence and power.
You gained the whole world.

But at the foot of this
Closed Door,
you realise you lost your soul.


90 years.

It seems a long Time.

But what is Time at all,
when it stands beside Eternity?

It is tinier than a speck of dust;
so unimportant, it seems.

But it is in this speck,
it is within this fleeting amount of Time,
be it the 90th year,
70th year,
for some, 40th,
and you'll never know,
for others, their 23rd -

the decisions we make,
the pursuits we chase round the clock

who we live for,
who we serve,
who we worship,
who we give our hearts and souls to;

will take us to the last page,
where we will either see an

At this Closed Door,
It shall be my damnation
because there is not a second left for me;
my lifetime is used up.


Can I have one more moment
for my king and I?

Crushed, bloody knuckles,
at the door.

Memory floods in.

''God of my youth,
I remember,
your call on my life too me o'er.

Your love has seen me through
all my days.

I stand her by your...'

Closed Door.

Even Death cannot earn me
just one more page.
It's too late.

throat sore.

He weeps,
but can never open the door.

Eternity is no longer joy
but a permanent state of pain
as regret torments my bones.


Chapter 23.

I'm thankful
I'm still breathing.

I'm still in Time.
I'm still living.

I have many pages more.

For this,
death cannot command a greater fear in me.

Help me keep my pen.
So You can do the writing.

I could write all I want -
but even if I gain the whole world,

I've nothing much.

''Hold me,
blow all the pride
from my bones.

Hold me,
breathe on this heart
made of stone -
keep it pure.

I'll take off this crown,
fall at your feet.

Secret of joy
are the moments we meet.

Living waters,
and rearrange me.''


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