
Are You Free?

Don't be too busy.


Enough of me.

A year a chapter.
I'm at my 23rd.
There are approximately 70 chapters more.

I cringe when I imagine
every page is about my lamentations.
It'll be boring and distressing to read.

Self-love is crucial.
We learn that
''Love your neighbours as you love yourself''.

That is,
if you have difficulty loving yourself,
you'll most likely have difficulty loving others.

Makes sense.
But it's not the end.

is a step to learn how to love yourself.
You want to know your strengths and weaknesses.
But people being people,
we tend to pay more attention to the negative
our weaknesses.

We spend so much time
thinking, writing, talking and even praying about it.

From one thought to a thousand.
From one blog post to the tens and hundreds.

We become obsessed with ourselves.
Self-obsession is not just about being narcissistic.
It's about being over-concerned with
your problems and issues.

The more you focus on yourself,
the more complicated you seem.

And you become distressed, depressed
and ultimately too tired to bother
about anybody else.

becomes most important.
You gorge and over-consume
your problems.
Who won't be sick?

I realise,
I don't have to know all the answers about myself.
It's distracting and a time-wasting.

There are more important questions to answer.
And I believe we can answer them.

The question of Hope,
''Is it possible to have peace in the place where I call home?''

The question of Love.
''Will anybody love me and
think I'm still beautiful?''

The question of Joy
''When will my children
make time to have dinner with me again?''

Before you know it,
from the time you wake
to the time you tuck into bed,

you've been occupied with one person -

Self-love is crucial,
but it's not a purpose in life.
Self-love isn't a Destiny.

Self-love isn't a final destination.

Joy is only temporary
at the stage of self-love.

I believe it's just a door
to an enormous life;
we must transit from
Self-love to Selflessness.

Self-love is committed to personal growth.
We should spend time to evaluate our daily good and bad experiences
and learn from them,
to become better people.

And why do we need to be better people,
if we don't have to bother
adding value to those around us?

We want to be better
so we can serve more people.

Are you free?
They're waiting for you.


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