
Human To Human.

I hope you enjoyed the video
in the previous post.


Do you remember the last time
you asked somebody
why he or she
did something,
or how he or she
felt or thought about something,

the reply was
I don't know...

I really don't know.'

Most of the time,
I believe that means
genuine cluelessness accompanied
with a few signs of exasperation.

They want to express themselves
but they don't know how.

That's been a common scenario
among teenagers, especially.

What happened?
Why do some of us find it
so tough to express ourselves?


Connection is a matter of the
person to person.

can be found in

Play is not play
when it is one person in a game,
jabbing the keyboard,
pushing another breakthrough record score
at the computer.

His eyes are locked a the screen.
His surrounding is blurred.
His ears cannot make out what people
around him are saying to him.

Play cannot happen
when you are isolated.

The latest issue of the
Scientific American journal
revealed an astounding discovery
how the lack of play during childhood
(definitely teenhood too)
critically cripples the total well-being
when he becomes an adult -
and two distinct factors
found in the most murderers.

Stay tuned for the details
in my next post.


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