
Burden or Joy.

as I've written yesterday,
starts with a spark.

When the flame is fanned
with dilligence and care,
it will grow.

That desire becomes
your dream.

Everyone loves to dream.
We want Hope for our future.
And it always begins with
a dream.

But countless dreams
die in our hearts.
Obstacles killed it.
Most of the time,
we're the murderers.

We abort them
because we lose hope and give up.
Some of us lose patience.
We just can't wait and believe
the dream will become reality.

Dreams are so Delicate.
They are like babies.

Once conceived in the womb,
they need to feed on love, care and patience
to grow.

And as they get bigger,
they will be heavier.
You either see it as a
or a joy.

It will cost your convenience.
It will be painful at times.
It can be uncomfortable.

But you must know,
it is in you,
and it is going to be
into reality.

I love how Dr. Cho
described how his dreams
grow and become reality.

'They are not future things,
but they are
already in me

through visions and dreams.

These visions and dreams have
become part of my own life.

They are growing in me,
right now,

When you have visions and dreams
in you,
they become so real that
you cannot doubt.

My babies are growing in me.

I have twins here now,
the newspaper [company]
and the new sanctuary
[his church building that now holds services
for the largest congregation in the world today].

They are growing and
moving in me.

Whenever I pray,
they kick around and move.

I feel them.

I sleep with them
and wake up
with them.

I eat with them,
and I play with them.

These two babies are within
my own life.

This is a
life or death
situation with me.

I can never separate
my visions and dreams
from my life.

My total life
involved with these
visions and dreams
that are in me now.

While I live,
they will live.

If I die,
they will die.

We are together.'

Can you hear his conviction

and joy?


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