
Many More Rooms.

''In My Father's house are many mansions,

if it were not so,
I would have told you.

I go to prepare a place for you.

''And if I go prepare a place for you,

I will come again
and recieve you
to Myself;

that where I am,
there you may be also.

I see many beautiful bedrooms,
immaculately designed.

At each of its doors,
is a person's name.

Some rooms are lit up.
Some rooms are dark.

The pillows and bedsheets
are still fresh and crisp.

Carpets line the floor.
Not a speck of dust anywhere at all.

Favourite paintings decorate the cream walls.

The best clothes fill the vast closet.

These, still lie untouched,
waiting in the dark.

Every room is reserved
for its specific owner.

And only he or she
can light up the magnificent lamps and chandeliers.

Many of these rooms
belong to people we know.

They are still wandering about -
some far,
some near.
And plenty have grown tired.

It's time.

Show them to their rooms -
those prepared for them.
One person, at a time.

And before we know,
the whole mansion is lit up in its full glory.

There are many more rooms -
Let's help light a few.

And there,
they are no longer lost but found.
And they can understand
what he meant when he promised in the letter,

''Let not your heart be troubled.
...where I go, you know,
and the way you know.''


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