
Happy C Day!

I forget Miss C is not my age
but so much younger.

Three years my junior,
yet she behaves and thinks
so much better
than some of my peers.

She's the one who
does kind things to people
in secret;
with no expectation to be recognised
much less applauded.

She knows there's nothing for her to prove,
for ultimately,
the most important One she lives to please
is of her greatest concern.

There's no doubt
a girl like her
is the apple of His eye.

While she does well making her
Daddy proud,
she has a special way
of pressing into people's heart.

Through her,
I've learned what it means

by Love is patient
and is kind;
while others are are occupied with their busyness,
her eyes observes the ones downcast and
unfailingly puts courage into the person's heart
with little things
like sweet daily morning text messages

to cheer them up.

Love does not envy;
while the average doesn't want others
to go beyond average,
she celebrates for other's victories
even in the midst of defeat.

Love does not parade itself,
is not puffed up;

does not behave rudely;
if she's angry, she's angry for the right cause -
in these few years of knowing her,
I've never seen her in bad temper.

does not seek its own,

she'd ask with concern,
''What about you?''
''You want?'',
she'd beckon with food in her hand.

is not provoked,
thinks no evil,
she gives people the benefit of a doubt
and thinks the best of others

does no rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in truth;

bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,

endures all things.

When she loves,
her love seems to never fail.

I guess she never knew,
but she refreshes my knowledge of

Through Cecilia's lifestyle,
I've learned from her valuable lessons like this.

Thank you for choosing to be
an inspiring young lady
in our generation.

You've been an Adder and
a Multiplier
to countless
and to me!

wherever Celia goes,
people enjoy Celia
for she's so wonderful.

I count myself very blessed
to live a few blocks away
from her.



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